Panic Anonymous

Panic Captures Us, Love Unravels Us

Panic Anonymous

Panic Anonymous is a place where you can openly share the angst that’s controlling your life.  We address and support as a group, helping face the pain that has been at your front door that has kept you locked away in the suffering.  The angst that we couldn’t share with family, loved ones and people, is over.  The most important part is how we handle are over whelming feelings that turn to physical symptoms.  The ability to understand whats going on in our mind and body to ease the pain.  Challenge your ability to free your mind and body from this debilitating panic and anxiety disorder.

blog posts

I want to talk in front of a lot of people ..

I want to talk in front of a lot of people Anxiety is something I don’t want to have. What I want is to talk in front of a lot of people, make friends easier, presenting to the class without getting red, or going through a crowd without thinking severely...

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The Rain Washes Away the Pollution ..

The Rain Washes Away the Pollution “Rain washes away the pollution and feeds the plants.  This is part of life.  Inside me I feel like the clouds are taking away my breath and making me feel very claustrophobic.  I can’t flee fast enough to out run my panic attacks to...

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Social Anxiety

social anxiety Its a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom, and I am filled with doom. As I get ready to step outside into the world I am filled with social anxiety. The bright sun fills my body with fear, fear of being in...

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Helping to Control a Panic Attack

Helping to Control a Panic Attack One way to stave off future panic attacks is by learning how to regulate anxiety. That way,  if you do begin to discover signs of a panic attack, you will have tools to soothe your body and mind till the signs and symptoms decrease....

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